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Important elements of football field equipment

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More and more soccer fields are being built in Poland. Few people know how many elements are needed to equip such a facility. Click and learn more.

Important elements of football field equipment

Soccer is the most popular sport in our country. Fans, watching matches in the stadium or on TV, can feast their eyes on beautiful and modern stadiums. However, few realize how many items are needed to prepare the facility for a match. It's worth knowing what assortment is necessary to equip a soccer field.

Football goals, lines, flags

Undoubtedly, the most important element of any football facility is a goal, the size of which depends on the dimensions of the field. We distinguish its several basic types:

  • - 7.32x2.44 m professional - used officially at every level of competition,
  • - 7,32x2,44 m training - portable, ideal for use during training,
  • - 5.5x2 m - best for beach soccer,
  • - 5x2 m - very popular for eagles,
  • - 1,6x2,4 m - mini soccer goals.

An indispensable part of each goal is an appropriately sized net.

A well-prepared facility should also have other important elements of football field equipment. No match will take place without properly marked lines, which we will draw, using special carts for emulsion or chalk/lime. However, if we want to make the outline of a beach soccer square, then we will use tape fixed in the sand with pegs. We also need to remember to clearly mark the location of corner kicks. For this we can use flag poles with a height of 150 cm.

Training sports accessories

With the above-mentioned elements, we have a pitch ready to play a football match. It is slightly different when our goal is to prepare a facility for a professional club or training center, then we need to take care of an assortment that allows us to develop the skills of practicing players.

The absolute basis are training cones, which allow you to perform many exercises both with and without balls. Fixed passages of the game can be perfected with the help of a training wall, the height of which can be modified depending on the player's skills. Coordination hurdles, rebounders, practice nets, field markers, ladders or rubber bands for strength training will be equally helpful during training .


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