Spokey JOY SET table tennis set:
Can table tennis, popularly known as ping-pong, be played at home? Of course it is! Already the first practice fitting can be successfully done indoors - if only by bouncing the ball off the racket, thus practicing precision and giving rotation during plays. During a game of ping-pong, the whole body works, from the upper parts responsible for the precise impact of the ball, to the legs, which do not remain at rest even for a moment. In this game it is extremely important to think and plan plays so as to surprise the opponent. It is not so much the strength of the hit that wins, but its precision and interesting rotation. Spokey JOY SET table tennis set, consisting of two rackets and three balls, is an optimal choice for players who want to start their adventure with this sport and for those who prioritize the ability to control the plays.
A complete set for table tennis fans
Table tennis is a great pastime when meeting with friends, family or acquaintances. With Spokey JOY SET you will always be ready to play together! The two rackets are made of natural material - in the handle and board of the model, covered on both sides with high-quality rubber lined with 1.0 mm thick foam. Such a combination of materials allows to obtain parameters optimal for beginner players, preferring to play with medium speed (5/10), medium rotation (5/10) and high control (10/10). The handles of Spokey JOY SET table tennis rackets have a concave grip (FL), which is the most popular of all those used. Why? With it, holding the racket loosely is easier, and you don't risk it slipping out of your hand while playing.
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